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Meet and Greet: Robbrecht en Daem architecten

Robbrecht en Daem architecten will kick off the new format Staging the Concert, where an interplay between space, light and materials reveals new dimensions of the concert experience. How do the leading Belgian architects set to work with Béla Bartók's rarely performed Music for strings, percussion and celesta? Watch the interview here.

“Bartók is a kind of universe. He is very present in our love of music. Like us, he was very fiercely mesmerized by numbers, particularly Fibonacci's row, a very simple series successive additions.”
- Paul Robbrecht
“When the request came from Bozar, there was joy and wonder. The assignment was very challenging. We had to question ourselves: what does this music mean to us and how are we going to respond professionally? Fortunately, we already had a connection with the piece.”
- Paul Robbrecht